Fashion & Style Skin

How To Look Younger By Your Skin

Published at 03/26/2012 20:06:00


Looking younger by skin choices can truly make you look more youthful and have that glow that every woman wants. In today's world, we are bombarded with pollution, chemicals, and products that harm our skin. Our skin begins to suffer quickly and is the first thing that begins to announce our true age. Sometimes our skin makes us look much older than we truly are, because we have not cared for our skin as we should. Skin by care should begin in the teen years and continue throughout your life. If you have neglected your skin and look older than you are, there are ways to help your skin by taking care of it and changing the products that you use.

Step 1

It is important that you properly cleanse your skin by a gentle moisturizer. So many people don't even cleanse their skin unless they are in the bath and they use the same harsh soap that they wash their body with to cleanse their face. You need to use a gentle cleanser that is made for facial skin. Facial skin is more delicate and prone to breakouts and damage that can age you quickly. Using a gentle, creamy cleanser can solve this issue and give you better looking skin.

Step 2

It is very important that you get rid of the dead cells on your skin by a scrubbing product that is made for the face. Sloughing off the dead and dry skin cells will reveal the new skin growth underneath this dead layer. Your facial skin will be revived and look like it has never looked before. It will look fresh and glowing like new skin should. This is important to do about three times a week so that your face doesn't have a chance to become dry and dead looking. You want your skin glowing with youth and vitality.


Step 3

Making sure that your skin is well hydrated is the most important part of looking young. Hydrating starts from within. You must drink a lot of water each day. This is crucial to your skin as it is mostly comprised of water. Hydrate and plump your skin by eating plenty of fruits and vegetables along with drinking plenty of water each day. Studies have long told us to drink eight glasses of water a day, but now we are learning that you should drink even more than that. Consult your physician on the recommended water consumption for you.

Step 4

Moisturizing ends with using a good facial moisturizer with a strong SPF. Nothing screams older skin than sun damage. Protecting your skin by an SPF moisturizer can truly help your skin look its best and make you look younger. The key is to moisturize twice a day. This gives your skin protection against the rays of the sun and helps to plump your skin cells and keep them from drying out when being exposed to the harmful elements in our environment. Doing this can truly revitalize your skin and make you look like you are much younger than you are. Don't forget this important step.

Step 5

A big mistake is made by many women who use makeup, thinking that it will make them look younger. Makeup has its place and can be used, but you must use it in the correct way and use the correct products. Makeup caked into your fine lines, can make you look much older than you like. Making the most of your skin by makeup can make you look younger and feel more comfortable. You should use a moisturizing makeup that is for your skin type. Don't use too much powder as this makes your skin look dry and it settles into the lines of your face, making you look older. Choose one area of your face to highlight and play that part up. Use light colors on your eyes and prime your lips to prevent running.


Cleanse your skin twice daily.

Use an exfoliate.

Take care of your body.


Be careful with makeup.

Sources and Citations
