Fashion & Style Skin

Skin Care Tips For Light Skin

Published at 04/05/2012 22:45:14


In case you’ve a fair complexion, you’re vulnerable to skin imperfections and susceptible to most skin diseases. Therefore, fair people should take extra care to keep their skin healthy. Take proper precautions and instantly treat any imperfection as soon as it arises. Mentioned below are some beauty tips for maintaining light skin.

Step 1

Light skin requires ample of moisture for good health. Hence, you should keep it hydrated and protected from sun. Focus more on supplying essential nutrients to your skin and keep it healthy. Healthy skin cells have a natural radiance. This glow cannot be created by applying chemicals on it.

Light skin is sensitive to sunburns and vulnerable to skin cancer or leukemia. Even though sunlight is necessary for manufacturing essential vitamins in your body, care should be taken not to expose your skin to direct sunlight for extended time periods. It can cause permanent tanning. Make sure you use sun screen with SPF protection to prevent sunburns.

In order to keep the lower epidermal cells healthy, users must remove the overlying dead and dry epidermal cells. Exfoliation or scrubbing is an effective technique of doing so. It removes dead epidermal cells and unclogs the clogged pores. It keeps your skin fresh, healthy and bright. Females should use a mild exfoliating scrub, mask or face wash for light skin. Apricot scrubs work best for them.

If you wish to be natural, you can prepare a homemade exfoliating mixture by mixing 1 tbsp of fresh lime juice and 1 tbsp of sugar. Apply it on your face twice a week for instant radiance.

In order to keep your skin moisturized or hydrated, you can use a mild skin moisturizer. There are plenty of brands that offer different types of moisturizing lotions for light skin, dark skin, dry skin and oily skin. You can pick a product that suits your skin. Apart from this, milk and honey are the best moisturizers for skin. You can apply either of the two ingredients to keep your skin hydrated for a longer time.

Also, it is essential for users to keep their skin supplied with essential nutrients. For this purpose, make sure you take a balanced meal regularly. Your diet should be rich in vitamins, minerals and proteins. Avoid consuming too oily or greasy food as it can cause disturbance in oil levels of your skin. Light skin can become too oily if you take improper die and thrive more on fast foods.


Proper sleep is necessary to restore the natural glow of your light skin and prevents dark circles. Before retiring off to your bed, make sure you wash off any traces of makeup using warm water and face wash. Sleeping with your makeup on can cause severe skin damages. Cosmetic products have lot of chemical content in them. Prolonged exposure of skin to these chemicals can cause withering and drying.

In short, if you follow these skincare tips for light skin, you will not only look beautiful but your skin shall stay healthy as well.
