Health Mental Health

Can Americans Get Health Canada Mental?

Published at 04/04/2012 01:41:39


A mental disorder is something that affects the normal psychology of any man. The change is mainly reflected in the behavior. It may happen due to several reasons. Reviews have shown that people moving from America to Canada have suffered from Canada mental health problems.

Reasons for the problem:

  • The first problem is seen in teenagers. The teenagers seem to lack the maturity of dealing with a new environment and get prone to drug addictions and bad habits like smoking. Survey has shown that teenagers coming from the US to Canada suffer from Canada mental health problems.
  • Sudden phobia of the new place and peer pressure can also help to create mental health problems. Phobia may even include anxiety, any kind of panic disorder or from a trauma that had taken place recently.
  • Sustained sadness and depression for a prolonged period of time is considered to be the main reason for Canada mental health problems.
  • Schizophrenia, otherwise known as schizoaffective disorder may also be one of the major reasons behind mental health problems.
  • Sudden personality breakdown may also help in the mental destruction of any people. Sometimes there may be reasons for the personality breakdown.

Canada mental disorders:

There are estimates of the people suffering from severe mental illnesses of various kinds. Of them a few mentioned here are more prominent in the Canadian population. These are:

  • Bipolar disorders which occur in the Canadians are about an percentage of 0.2-0..6%
  • Dysthymia occurs in about 0.8%-3.1% of the total population.
  • Schizophrenia occurs in about 0.3% of the population
  • Anxiety disorders at about 12.2 %.
  • Eating disorders like anorexia and bulimia occur in 0.7% and 1.5% of women respectively whereas in men the range is specified from 0.2% to 0.1% respectively.
  • Deaths from suicide can be 24% in teenagers and 16% in adults.

Therefore it can be understood that most of the Canadians suffering from Canada mental health problems are patients suffering from anxiety disorders. The people coming from the other countries like US may tend to suffer these problems.


Canadians are increasingly getting alert about the mental health problems attacking the people of various groups and especially who are coming from the USA. The following prevention program discussed is with contrast to the treatment in USA.

The partnership of Nurse-Family:

This prevention program was first executed in the US and then in Canada for the mothers who were at risk or being mother for the first time. Later on it was also implemented to solve the antisocial and rigorous behavior of the adolescents that leads to mental problems. DARE, an organization in Canada has been offering a treatment on drug abuse recently for the people coming from US to Canada especially. Canadians think that the prevention programs of Canada mental health are to be urgently implemented due to the increasing amount of mental health problems and they feel it’s becoming quite haphazard. So the Canadians have given a thought of rigorous evaluation of these psychological prevention programs. This is because the programs are seen to have very little impact on the patients.


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