Diseases Diseases

Types Of Health Diseases

Published at 07/19/2011 12:12:48

 “Health is wealth” this is a very common saying and it is so true. If we do not have health then there is no use in possessing wealth. Knowledge about anything is never a waste and especially about health and the various health diseases. This health information knowledge will let help you in protect yourself as well your friends and neighbors. It is important to know the common types ofhealth diseases and their basic cure. Today, everyday we hear about a new disease attacking the city through epidemics. Millions of people all around the world die because of certain disease even before its medicine is invented or discovered.

 Before knowing about the common types of health diseases, we must know about disease. ‘Disease’ has been defined in many ways but the most commonly accepted one is that “disease is a condition in which the body’s normal functioning is affected”. It is also said that when a person is affected to any disease then he or she is not just physically disturbed but also mentally and socially.

There are many types of diseases. You can classify them either according to the ways they are spread or according to the cause of their spreading.

Some of the common types of health diseases are: 

  1.  - Superficial mycoses are caused by fungi that grow only on the surface of the skin or hair.
  2.  - Cutaneous mycoses or dermatomycoses include such infections as athlete's foot and ringworm, in which growth occurs only in the superficial layers of skin, nails, or hair.
  3.  - Subcutaneous mycoses penetrate below the skin to involve the subcutaneous, connective, and bone tissue.
  4.  - Systemic or deep mycoses are able to infect internal organs and become widely disseminated throughout the body. This type is often fatal.
  • These diseases are transferred from one person to another through food, water or physical contact. An unhealthy person can pass his or her disease to a healthy person. If a person is coughing and you happen to touch even a drop of the fluid or his hands then you are susceptible to be infected to this disease. That is the reason why doctors suggest relatives and friends to stay away from the patient. One example of contagious disease is swine flu. 
  • Some diseases are caused due to the deficiency or over intake of certain foods in the body. If you eat excess of vitamin c then your face will turn pale or if you do not take enough of vitamin A then you might fall prey to night blindness. 

Tips and comments:

Eating healthy foods such as fruits and vegetables are the best way to increase your immune system to resist health diseases. 

Hand washing is the best and easiest way to avoid and prevent transmission of diseases.

We must follow the saying PREVENTION IS BETTER THAN CURE.


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