Fashion & Style Hair

The Top 5 Treatments For Thinning Hair

Published at 03/15/2012 03:19:09


Thinning hair is one of the biggest traumas of many people’s lives. Hair loss is caused by several factors, including; hereditary, stress and other diseases such as Alopecia, etc. Currently there are large amounts of hair treatments available in the market. There have never been more medicines, lotions, shampoos and potions obtainable to cure hair loss then there are on the marketplace today. It's a multi-billion-dollar industry, and it doesn't appear to change anytime soon. The most common error that individuals, without understanding the root cause of the problem and buy the latest and greatest hair treatments- the one they saw promoted on TV or in a publication. Losing hair is not a problem any longer.



A transcribed record of hair-loss treatments through surgery was circulated as early as 1822 in Wurzburg, Germany. A pupil named Diffenbach recognized experimental operation in the field carried out both by him and his tutor, Professor Do mUnger. Success in treating hairlessness was seemingly attained in both animals and humans by relocating hair from one part of the scalp to a different area.

Though, Professor Unger’s presentations don’t appear to have been copied by other doctors to treat baldness. Rather, hair-bearing skin flaps and grafts were surgically relocated in circumstances of traumatic alopecia – baldness produced by injuries or blisters, during the end of 19th century.


The Top 5 Treatments For Thinning Hair

When it comes to hair-loss treatments and remedies, there is a wide range available to choose from. One can go for surgical procedures, i.e. hair transplants, Medicinal treatments and natural remedies or homemade remedies, depending upon what suites you the best. Before choosing any type of treatments it is important, to identify what treatment is most suitable for you. There are hundreds of hair treatment's products available in the market. Before choosing any type of hair treatments, in case you are going for Oral medication, you should know that minoxidil, and finasteride are the only hair treatment medications approved by the FDA. Some of the medicines are known to have side effects, so if you are cautious, and if you have the money, you should look into a hair transplant. Transplants for hair treatments have improved greatly and are known to be less invasive. Transplants are considered to one of the safest hair treatments. Lastly, if you believe in au-natural, then there are several herbs including ginger and jojoba oil, which have proven to be fantastic when it comes to hair treatments.

Tips and comments

Hair loss is a major concern these days. There was a time when at the age of 40 people would start to loose hair, but now stress levels are severely high and young people at the age of 25 start losing their hair. As there are many remedies available, but you can’t select any with consulting your doctor. Identify the cause of your hair loss and get treated accordingly. It’s advisable to stay away from medicinal treatments, as according to research they have severe side effects. Once again, go to a specialist for advice before you start any kind of treatments.


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