How To Use Clip in Hair Extensions
Fashion & Style Hair

How To Use Clip in Hair Extensions

Published at 03/16/2012 11:59:11


How To Use Clip in Hair Extensions

Most girls want long, thick hair like most celebrities have. However, due to our busy careers, it becomes a challenge to maintain a long and sexy hairstyle like you've just stepped out of a salon. Consider having clip-in hair extensions as your new hairstyle.

If you want to sport an edgy look, you can go for clip hair extensions that have neon colors such as orange, pink and green. It is currently on trend, set by your favorite singers and actresses. Or you can go conservative and polished by buying a set of extensions that are the shade of your hair. 

Using clip-in hair extensions may intimidate you at first, but the truth is, it is actually much easier and more affordable than having a sewn weave or heated extensions on the salon.

Step 1

The first step is the preparation phase. From your beauty supply store or from online retailers, choose your preferred clip hair extensions set. There are countless styles, lengths and colors to choose from. If your hair is extra thick, consider buying more than one set of extensions. In a flat surface, try laying out all clip-in hair extensions. This will help you determine and arrange it according to size and how you would want to place and blend them into your hair.

Step 2

Before putting on your clip-in hair extensions, make sure that your hair is clean and free of oil and buildup. Having a clean hair and scalp will make applying clip-in hair extensions easier and more natural because it blends well with your actual hair. Make sure that your hair is tangle-free and completely dry.

Step 3

Starting from the back of your head, section your hair from the area on your ears. Twist the hair remaining hair on the top of your head and fasten it with a nonslip clip. Take the longest and largest piece of your clip hair extensions and secure it on this section. This will appear like your hairs bottom layer. To fit the clip hair extensions perfectly, you can tease your hair a little bit and apply hair spray to the area.

Step 4

Section your hair again. This time, take a small section from the top of your head. just enough to cover the clip hair extensions at the bottom. After which, you should clip the second piece of your extensions. Continue this process until you reach the top of your head. The last piece of clip-in hair extensions should fall just above your ears. one on each side.

Step 5

Make sure that all clip hair extensions are blended well with your natural hair. Failure to do so will simply create unsightly bulkiness in your hair. Once that you have make sure that everything looks in place, you can now style your hair as you desire. You can straighten it with a flat iron or you can make it more volumized and sultry using a large barrel curling iron.

What You'll Need

  • Clip-in hair extensions
  • Heat protectant spray
  • Setting lotion
  • Hairspray
  • Curling iron
  • Flat iron
  • Hair dryer
  • Comb
  • Brush
  • Table


  • If you want to use your clip hair extensions for a longer period of time, take care of them. Detangle them and apply deep conditioner after every 5 consecutive uses.
  • There are two types of hair extensions: one that is made from natural human hair and another which is made of synthetic fiber. Determine which works best for your hair before purchasing a new set. Do this by consulting your favorite hair stylist. 



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