Holidays & Celebrations Bird Hobbies

Keeping a Bird Bath Squirrel Free

Published at 03/07/2012 20:40:43


Backyard landscaping has become very common. People create different kinds of environment
in their backyards to add to the aesthetic value. One feature that looks quite picturesque is a
bird bath. A bird bath is designed to attract birds. These tiny creatures gather around the bird
bath and the view looks quite pleasing to the eye. Homeowners use a number of techniques to
keep their bird baths clean. These include installing water wrigglers to ensure an uninterrupted
flow of water and using cleaners to keep the water free from germs. If a bird bath is well kept,
more birds are bound to visit it. The main aim of homeowners is to attract as many birds as
possible to their bird baths.


In the very past, the concept of ornamental gardening was completely non-existent. People
planted trees and flowers to make their gardens look beautiful. It took a long time before
people made use of different kind of ornament to add to the beauty of their gardens. The
first public parks appeared during the 16th century. This greatly popularized the concept of
ornamental gardening. Initially people used to dig trenches in the ground and fill them up with
water. This is the older version of bird baths. Commercial designs of bird baths were introduced
in the 1840s. This was introduced in Europe by the Pulham & Sons Company.


It is very important to keep squirrels away from bird baths. “Squirrel bird” is not a happy
grouping to have inside a bird bath. Mixing squirrel bird can result in plenty of undesired
outcomes. Firstly, birds would not visit your bird bath. They would be deterred by the squirrels
since they tend to be meek and frightened creatures. Squirrels also make the water unclean.
This is due to the germs and bacteria they spread. There is also the problem of squirrel
droppings. The water no longer remains fit to be consumed by the birds. The squirrel bird
grouping in one bird bath doesn’t work also due to the difference in the water intake of these
two creatures. Squirrels end up drinking all the water and with nothing left for the birds. Thus
to prevent squirrel bird mixing, gardeners employ a number of techniques. You need to place
the bird bath away from trees. This is because squirrels live in trees and if your bid bath is
placed anywhere near trees they will just jump into it. They shouldn’t also be placed near
objects which squirrels can use to climb into the bird baths. For example poles or pillars. In
addition to this place the feeder far away from walls as squirrels can also climb up these. There
are some home remedies that can be used to prevent a squirrel bird mix up. For example if
you keep Nutmeg and cinnamon, Peppermint oil and Capacin near this then the squirrels are
bound to stay away.

Tips and comments

You can also take some drastic measures such use poison or traps to keep these squirrels away.
However, this is something that is not advised. You should implement alternatives mentioned
above instead of this.
