Holidays & Celebrations Bird Hobbies

How To Find a Bird in the Garden

Published at 03/26/2012 01:42:10


If you have an unwanted garden bird that is causing problems, you may want to find it and remove it. Finding the bird can be easier said than done. If you know what to look for, you should be able to find the bird and remove it to another safe location.

Step 1

Set Out Bird Food

Hang a bird feeder from a limb of a tree or buy want that can be placed into the ground. If there is a garden bird in your yard, i will more than likely be looking for a consistent food source. The bird may take a few days to find the food, but once it does, it will visit the bird feeder several times daily. If you would like find where the bird is nesting in your yard, watch where it flies to when it leaves the bird feeder. You can then check the site for any signs of nesting.

Step 2

Set a Trap

Bird traps are available at many hardware stores and some department stores. You can also contact your local department of natural resources to see if they offer human bird traps for sale. Place the bird trap in the center of your yard or garden or near an area where you see the garden bird often. Follow the directions on the trap to prepare it and set it up properly. Leave the trap in your yard and observe it from a distance. When you see the bird is inside the trap, take the bird elsewhere and release it if you no longer want it to be in your yard or garden.

Step 3


Listen carefully for birds. If there are young birds or chicks in the nest, they may be especially loud. Follow the sounds until you find the nest and the garden bird. If the bird is not in the nest when you find it, simply observe the are until you see it return.

Step 4

Observe Other Animals

If a garden bird is living in your yard, other animals will likely know about it before you do. Animals such as cats or dog may follow to bird and dig or sniff around the area of the bird's nest. If you have a pet, let it outside and watch where it goes to. Observe the pet for several days and watch to see if it scares to the bird or seems to go to the same place over and over. Check in the location your pet seems to favor to see if the garden bird has been nesting there. If you find the bird you can then scare it away or catch it and release it elsewhere.

Step 5

Look for a Nest

Look for signs that the garden bird is nesting in your yard. Look for frequent visits to a certain location, feathers scattered on the ground under bushes or trees and bird droppings. These are all signs that a bird is nesting in the area nearby. Check the area for an actual nest. Be careful, if the bird has chicks in it, the parent bird may become aggressive and try to protect the nest. If you want to move a nest from an area, do so without touching the eggs, chicks or interior of it. Make sure you place it somewhere safe where predators cannot get it.


Never touch or remove a nest unless completely necessary.

Sources and Citations
