How To Use Windows 2
Computers Windows

How To Use Windows 2

Published at 03/27/2012 14:21:40


How To Use Windows 2

Microsoft windows are a series of operating systems formed by Microsoft. Microsoft introduced an operating system for the very first time in October 1985 and rapidly dominated the world’s computer market. Microsoft over taken MAC OS successfully that was introduced in 1984. There are many operating systems launched by Microsoft like windows 1, windows 2, windows 3, windows 2000, windows 98, windows millennium, windows XP, windows Vista and windows 7.

Step 1

The very first windows released by Microsoft were windows 1 and after it windows 2 was released with some extended features. Windows 2 was released in October 1987 and there were different improvements in it also. Different enhanced features were also added in windows 2 like memory management etc. Windows 2 also allowed application windows to overlay each other and also presented moderate shortcuts of keyboard. Windows 2 could also make use of extended memory.

Step 2

Windows 2 is basically a 16-bit Microsoft windows GUI based operating environment that was introduced in 1987. It was introduced after windows 1 edition to improve different features and facilities. There are two different versions of windows 2 that are: windows/386 and windows/286. These two versions were added to windows 2 as up gradations. Windows 2 and its two versions windows/386 and windows/286 were outdated by windows 3 in 1990.

Step 3

Windows 3 was supported by Microsoft till 2001. There are other key features of windows 2 that are, first versions of Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel was jogged on windows 2. These versions of windows are still remembered as they were the operating systems of very beginning session. Windows 2 was 16-bit operating system but there are 32-bit and 64-bit operating systems also available now.

Step 4

There were also few applications that transported with windows 2. Following are some of these applications:


Step 5

Windows 2 permitted the application windows to intersect each other nothing like its forerunner windows 1 that might show on smooth windows. The best thing in windows 2 was it introduced many new features that were not available in windows 1. These were stylish keyboard shortcuts and also the terminologies of maximize and minimize. These applications were in a contrast to the applications iconize and zoom available in windows 1. After windows 2, windows 3 were introduced with more enhanced feature and applications. Windows 2 applications were not supportable by windows 3 or any other upgrade windows.


How To Use Windows 2

There was also another excellent feature added in windows 2 that was VGA graphics. This graphic feature was though 16 colors only. Windows 2 was the last version of windows that might run on floppy system and didn’t require a hard disk. After this window, windows 3 was enhanced with different new features and extended VGA graphics also.


In the present time, computer technology has become so innovative that windows 2 and 3 are not used. Latest windows operating systems are installed in desktop and laptop systems. So it is really difficult to use windows 2 in different desktop and laptops as there are so many upgraded operating systems available.
