About Silicone Injections For Wrinkles on the Skin
Fashion & Style Natural Skin Care

About Silicone Injections For Wrinkles on the Skin

Published at 02/25/2012 17:25:24


About Silicone Injections For Wrinkles on the Skin

With age, our skin begins to change and wrinkles are a part of this aging process. Although there are many treatments for wrinkles and various creams and lotions are available everywhere in the market, silicon skin injections have become an increasingly common option these days. This treatment is being used by women in their mid 20s or 30s. Women decide to get their wrinkles treated through silicon skin injections, because the products available in the market do not work or give the expected results most of the time. Companies keep promising the consumer that they would get better wrinkle-free skin within 2 weeks time, but it never works. While silicon skin injections, if properly administered will give faster and positive results.


Initially the silicone injection was only approved for clinical experiments. Liquid silicone injection is being used for over five decades now and the procedure is pain free and of low cost. People were not very comfortable with the idea of having needles poked on their faces in the beginning and silicone skin injections were also avoided because of the fact that every physician cannot be trusted with the treatment since it has numerous side effects and can be very risky. But this perception has changed with time and it is seen that women are ready to take high risks for their beauty. The injection treatment has also become common during the recent years because people complete their research before being injected and are aware of the risks and side effects.


The silicone skin injection treatment actually works and gives wonderful results. Women all over the world have gotten rid of their wrinkles through this procedure and are satisfied with how they look. But it must be kept in mind that these procedures were only successful because these women chose well known physicians and the process was approved by FDA which does not happen everywhere. Most of the silicone skin injection treatments are not approved and patients are still injected for treatment. Doctors recommend silicone skin injections for wrinkles only if the wrinkles are very dark and the treatment is not suitable for light faded wrinkles since it must not be forgotten that once the skin has been injected with the substance, it will remain in the body permanently.

Tips and comments

The procedure would turn out to be pleasant and healthy if one is careful enough while being treated but you never know what chemical the human body might react to and there could be side effects- in the long run. This has happened in many cases that the treatment gives out the finest results but women end up with lumps or tissue damage after a few years. If you are considering treatment for your wrinkles, ask your doctor which procedure is right for you. There is no replacement for your doctor's professional advice. And also make sure that the treatment you are about to get is not experimental and has been approved. Every person has his or her own individual needs; similarly, each procedure fulfils its own specific need.
