Fashion & Style Natural Skin Care

The Effects Of Tanning Your Skin

Published at 03/27/2012 22:36:36


It is relief to see the sun shine after the long, bitter winter. Summer is considered to be the season of partying. Everybody is out on the beaches having a rollicking time. People obsess over body tans during the summer. Everyone wants to have that sultry, sensuous, olive colored skin that has been glamorised by the media. Skin tanning has become so popular that some people do not even wait for summer to get a tan. Skin tanning beds enable a person to receive a full body tan within a matter of minutes. However, you must know the effects of tanning skin before you actually go out to get yourself a tan. This article aims to educate readers on the pros and cons of skin tanning.


Skin tanning is a process which induces the body to produce more melanin. Melanin is the pigment that is responsible for your skin color.

Tanning beds: These beds provide a full body tan within a short period of time. Some claims have been made that these tanning beds are better than receiving a natural tan as there is less exposure to UV rays. However, tanning beds are generally considered to be unsafe. In the United States, 30 states have banned minors from using tanning beds. In some states, parental consent may be required. Research has revealed that tanning beds are responsible for a 75 percent increase in the risk of contracting melanoma (a type of skin cancer). Skin tanning through the use of indoor tanning devices is antagonised by the American Academy of Dermatology Association. The AADA also proposes a ban on the indoor tanning equipment. The WHO (World health Organisation) has made an affirmation that indoor tanning devices should be considered carcinogenic. They are as damaging as tobacco. Thus, it is an established fact that repetitive indoor skin tanning procedures are unsafe.


However, there are also a couple of advantages of indoor skin tanning – they provide a uniform tan. They also let you receive a tan without compromising your privacy (some people are not comfortable lying semi nude on the beach in front of strangers.)

Outdoor tanning: This is a much better way of receiving a tan. However, this method is also not completely safe.
Pros: Our skin needs exposure to the sun. Just like plants need sunlight for photosynthesis, similarly our skin needs sunshine in order to create vitamin D. A moderate amount of tanning is beneficial to the skin.

Cons: When the skin is exposed to bright sunshine for long periods of time, then the skin becomes sunburnt. In short, the cells of the skin sear. The skin becomes quite red, blistered and sore. It might begin to peel off and can be quite painful. This has a negative impact on the person’s DNA. Over exposure to ultra violet rays may lead to cancer. Also, excessive skin tanning damages the aesthetic appeal of the skin. Outdoor tanning also requires you to compromise upon your privacy. It leads to uneven body tans – the area covered by clothing remain white while others become tanned. This gives the person quite an unattractive appearance.

Tips and comments

Still, it may be concluded that moderate outdoor tanning is more preferable than indoor tanning.
