Health Supplements

What Is Vitamins Magnesium

Published at 02/20/2012 12:34:57


Magnesium is very important for a healthy body – it maintain heart rhythm, muscles and aids the immune system and skeletal system, and it also regulates the activity of copper and zinc that relate to other functions of the body. The recommended dosage is 350mg per day for men, and 280mg daily for women. The doses are increased by doctors if vitamin magnesium is prescribed for avoidance of certain diseases, such as heart disease or high blood pressure.

It is naturally found in a wide variety of food, so most people should not suffer from its deficiency. However, those who are afflicted by kidney disorders or consume large amounts of alcohol may be at a risk of deficiency in vitamins magnesium.


Deficiency in vitamins magnesium causes aches and cramps at the early levels, and as the condition worsens, seizures and changes in behavior are apparent.

Sources of vitamins magnesium are cooked halibut, nuts, spinach, peanut butter, whole grains, etc. Magnesium vitamins do not pose much danger of toxicity through build-up or accumulation in the body, as they are easily soluble and the kidneys can flush them out of the system with ease. Symptoms of accumulation are diarrhea and nausea, accompanied by weakness and shortness of breath.

Magnesium prevents excessive clotting of blood and widens and relaxes blood vessels, thus reducing risk of heart attacks. It also decreases risk of hypertension.

Vitamins magnesium are found to directly have a major effect on bones. For the proper utilization of calcium by the body, vitamins magnesium are needed in right quantities. They help enhance bone density, as has been shown in studies that involved people from all over the globe, that is, people of different ethnicities. Even in post-menopausal women, magnesium exhibits the quality of bettering bone density and may lower risk of osteoporosis.


This is because Magnesium is related to the body's capacity to produce Vitamin D, which is essential for the proper use of calcium for bone development and strength. Magnesium is especially important for children who are in important stages of skeletal growth.

Being a natural relaxant for muscles, magnesium supplements are used in case of muscle injuries in athletes and for other cases of stressed muscles.

Pre-menstrual syndrome, or PMS, has been shown to be eased through supplements of magnesium. This is especially true for menstrual cramps, bloating and tenderness of breasts that affect many women.

Magnesium also affects brain function. It has been found to improve memory in both young and old subjects. This shows that it can be used to improve cognitive ability. Deficiency of vitamins magnesium in older people can cause degeneration of memory. Some research have proposed that magnesium could potentially be good for dealing with headaches caused by migraine too.

Tips and comments

Magnesium also has an effect on the breaking down of carbohydrates. This means that it also has a link to insulin and diabetes. Patients of Type 2 diabetes have lower than ordinary levels of magnesium. Magnesium, combined with Vitamin B6 helps in the lowering of risk of recurring kidney stones.


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