About Domain Name Registration
Internet Domain Names

About Domain Name Registration

Published at 03/05/2012 17:12:22


About Domain Name Registration

A domain name is an important part of a website. It is the address of the site and the place where people, readers, and shoppers will go to find you. Domain name registration is in fact the first step in website creation. Your domain name pinpoints the location of a blog, a business or your website. However, before you can use a domain name, you must do a domain name registration first to make sure that there are no other identical names on the net. This is important as web traffic that should be directed to your website could end up in another site because of duplication in names.


About Domain Name Registration

Domain name registration was streamlined in an effort to centralize a place where all the names were listed and registered. Before, there were not much users on the internet and numbers were used in place of domain names. However, as more and more computers exist and as additional websites were created, domain name registration became easier with the introduction of the host name registry in 1983. From then on, it was easy to track the host files of websites by using domain name registration.


If you are trying to complete a domain name registration, the first thing to do is to come up with a name for your website. It should be a name that corresponds to the content of your site. For example, if you are reviewing computers on your site, your domain name should be related to computers and not some far fetched name such as oil or house products. In addition, the domain name should be catchy and easy to remember. Don’t go for long or weird names. Avoid adding characters in your domain names as this will make people skip your site because of the inconvenience of typing these characters in the tool bar. A short, attractive name that is easy to memorize will likely attract readers and customers, not drive them away.

When you have chosen a domain name, proceed with the next step in domain name registration. Shop around for host name registries that sell domain names. There are many on the net and it is up to you to compare which sellers give the best value for your money. Not only do you need to compare prices, you also have to check the reputation of these sites participating in domain name registration. A few examples of popular sites which handle domain name registration are GoDaddy and NameCheap.

Once your domain name host is identified, you can purchase your chosen domain name. Buying from these host name registries is simple and you just have to follow on screen instructions. Typically, you have to enter the name in the box and wait while the site checks if this name is available for use. If it is not available because there are already users of the domain name, you will also get other name options. The screen will show different domain names that are available and listed for sale when you enter your chosen keyword. After you choose an appropriate name, you simply pay for the fees and the domain name registration is complete.

Tips and comments

Buying domain names is quick and easy. After payment, approval of the domain name registration is instant. At most, it might take from 1 to 2 days. As soon as it is approved, all you have to do is wait for the confirmation receipt that contains all the necessary login details.


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