Health Supplements

Health Benefits Of the B 12 Vitamin

Published at 02/16/2012 02:32:18


In order to maintain good health, humans need a variety of vitamins and minerals in their diet. These nutrients can come from a variety of foods and drinks. Unfortunately, due to today’s busy lifestyles and a lack of time to prepare nutritious meals full of these essential nutrients, supplementation may be necessary. B 12 vitamin is one of those very important nutrients that we need to maintain health. This vitamin is one of eight vitamins in the B vitamin family and serves in helping the brain and nervous system function to capacity and the formation of blood. B 12 vitamin is water soluble and it is available naturally in certain foods and industrially through a variety of supplements on the market.


There are many health benefits of the B 12 vitamin and here is a list of just of those benefits:

1) Of course, taking this vitamin or eating more foods that have it will cure any deficiency you may have.

2) B 12 vitamin can help treat cyanide poisoning when used under the care of a trained medical professional

3) It can protect against brain atrophy in elderly patients and help with memory.

4) Combined with other necessary supplements, it can help cure anemia

5) B 12 vitamin boosts energy levels and can also be effective in treating chronic fatigue and sleep apnea

6) It is a mood booster and can help patients with depression or other mood disorders such as bipolar manage their symptoms.  People with these disorders claim they can manage situations better and can get along better in their day-to-day lives.

7) The vitamin is effective in boosting the immune system in order to prevent the flu and colds and other viruses and infections.

8) People who are under a lot of stress report being able to handle it better after starting a B 12 vitamin regiment.

9) It regulates blood pressure and cholesterol.

10) It helps with weight loss and maintaining weight loss.

11) It promotes healthier and younger looking skin and is effective in keeping dry, flaky skin at bay.


There are many ways to get B 12 vitamin naturally and some sources include almonds, lamb, oysters, sardines, blackstrap molasses, fish, eggs, milk, and yogurt. There are many ways to tell if you are deficient in B 12 Vitamin. Some symptoms are sleepiness, memory loss, weakness, speech problems, and trouble sleeping. There does not seem to be any adverse affects of taking too much of this vitamin, but people who are allergic to it may experience effects.


Although taking B 12 vitamin is pertinent to overall health, using it alone and not doing or taking anything else will not do much. The point of supplementation is to enhance the things you are already doing for your health. In order to maintain overall health, one must also drink plenty of clean, quality water, exercise daily, eat very little junk food, limit alcohol, avoid smoking, get plenty of rest, and avoid stress as much as possible.


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