Diseases Diseases

the Most Common Std Diseases

Published at 03/19/2012 15:12:30

Common std diseases


Std diseases are the diseases that are transferred from one person to the other through sexual contact. They are transferred through the transmission of a disease causing organism from one person to the other during sexual contact like kissing, use of sex toys and oral genital contact. Std diseases have been around since long ago and they can be fatal if not treated on time. However, some of the std diseases cannot be treated and are very fatal to the human body. These are diseases like HIV, HPV, hepatitis C and B.

Common std diseases

The following are the most common std disease and their symptoms.

  1. Chlamydia: it is a curable std disease that attacks that cervix in women and the urethra in men. It can have an incubation period of about three weeks to years without showing any symptoms. It is characterized by pain during sex, abnormal discharge from the vagina and the penis.
  2. Syphilis: it is caused by bacteria known as Treponema pallidum and is transmitted via contact with syphilis sores that appear on the rectum, vagina, mouth and the external genitals and transmission from a mother to an unborn child. Its early symptoms are the sores that tend to heal on their own, non-itchy rash, small lumps on the groin and flu like symptoms. If left untreated, it can cause serious complications and even lead to death.
  3. Gonorrhea: it is a bacterial std disease that is characterized by a burning sensation during urination and white, green or yellow discharge from the penis.
  4. Herpes: it is an incurable viral infection that has two forms the HSV1 which is defined by cold sores and HSV2 which is defined by genital sores. It can be spread through skin contact with an infected person and from the mouth to genitals.
  5. Human papilloma virus (HPV): a few types of HPV cause cervical cancer while others have no signs at all and others cause genital warts. The symptoms of HPV can be cured and the infection resolved and there is also a HPV vaccine.
  6. HIV: this is virus that causes AIDS. It is transmitted via exchange of body fluids and it cannot be cured but there are some anti-retroviral drugs that help to slow down the advancing of HIV to AIDS. It is characterized by unexplained weight loss, reduced body immune and recurring infections of the body.

Risk factors for std diseases

The following will increase a person's chances of contracting std diseases.

  • Having many sex partners: people who have sexual contact with many people are always at risk of suffering from the std diseases unlike the people who are faithful to one sex partner.
  • Having unprotected sex: though not all std diseases can be prevented through the use of condoms, using condoms reduces the chances of contracting std's a lot. Using condoms during sex will prevent the transfer of disease causing organism from an infected person to a clean person.
  • Coming into contact with an infected person's skin and sharing unsterilized equipments with an infected person can increase your chances of suffering from std diseases.

Tips and comments

  • Std diseases affect both male and females of all ages and races.
  • Std diseases can be present in a person body but fail to show any symptoms.
  • Std diseases can be passed from one person to the other even when symptoms do not present themselves.
  • Std diseases are becoming more common nowadays due to the kind of lifestyle being lead by many people especially the youths.
  • Most std diseases can be very fatal if not treated.
  • It is possible for a mother to transfer an std to their unborn child during birth or through breast milk.
  • Not all std diseases can be prevented through use of a condom.
  • Abstaining is the best and sure way to protect oneself from std diseases.


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