Diseases Diseases

About the Differences Between Malaria & Thyphoid Fever

Published at 03/17/2012 23:47:44


The world has seen lots of dreadful diseases that have become a threat to the humans. In recent times, though the medical field has developed beyond imagination, no one could assure that all the diseases are curable. Two of the most dreadful diseases that could bring fear on human minds, are Malaria and typhoid fever.

These diseases are more often confused with each other. More or less, these two diseases would sometimes exhibit symptoms of similar nature and it will be difficult to identify the disease from just the symptoms. One would need to be aware of the fact that if any of these diseases are left unattended, they could be more dangerous and sometimes they could result in the death of a person.

Before 2000, some people in a specific region are found to be infected with a similar kind of disease. The disease seemed to be spread due to the unhygienic conditions of that region. Medical practitioners were unable to find out the nature of the disease and more people have started to die. It is then the doctors identified the disease to be typhoid. During early days, people have found it difficult to differentiate between these two diseases, since both these diseases are caused by parasites.

Having said that both these diseases are caused by parasites, there is a difference in the causative feature of both the diseases. Malaria is caused by mosquitoes and typhoid fever is caused by a bacteria named as salmonella typhi. The only thing that is common between these two causative factors is that both the bacteria and the mosquitoes breed on the stagnant and dirty water that could be more seen in the developing regions.

Normally, people who get affected by either of these diseases are seen to have high fever and diarrhea. but those suffering from typhoid will be exhibiting some other symptoms as well. The patient will become weak and fatigue, usually accompanied by a stomach pain. Some patients tend to get rashes on their skin, during the initial stage of the disease. As the fever gets intensified, the symptoms would get worsen and the patient would be pushed to a motionless state. This is the stage when typhoid fever is at its high rate. but malarial fever exhibits some other symptoms, apart from these. The patient would be shivering a lot and the fever would get intensified every evening.

The diagnosis varies for these two diseases. Malarial fever could be detected by just taking a sample of blood from the patient and examining it. Unlike malaria, thyphoid fever would need more number of tests that includes, blood test, urine test and stool test.

There are various anti-malarial drugs available, which will be used in the treatment of malaria. In case of typhoid, the treatment will include heavy antibiotics and high calorie diets. A nutritious diet is a must for people suffering from this disease.

Tips and comments

One should be aware of the fact that malaria and typhoid will seem similar in nature and should not be misinterpreted. The best way to prevent both these diseases is to maintain a clean environment. Never allow water to get stagnant near the place you live. Get to a doctor immediately if you feel that you have been affected with any of these diseases.



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