Diseases Diseases

How To Prevent Gallbladder Diseases

Published at 02/10/2012 20:26:58


Located just below the liver, gallbladder is a small sac-like organ the function of which is concentrating bile produced by the liver and help in digestion of fat. The gallbladder is not a very essential organ and can be removed safely in adults. The diseases gallbladder can develop are rare and usually not fatal. The diseases associated with gallbladder are gallstones which can be either present in gallbladder (Cholelithiasis) or in the common bile duct (Choledocholithiasis). Excessive gallstones can also lead to calcification of the gallbladder, also called porcelain gallbladder. This might become cancerous but still the fatality rate in such cancers is fairly low. Apart from stones, the diseases gallbladder can acquire include Acalculous gallbladder disease, which can be both chronic and acute.


Acalculous gallbladder disease refers to the condition when the patient shows symptoms of gallbladder stones, without having any in the gallbladder or the bile duct. The acute (sudden) type of this condition is usually found in patients with other ailment. The chronic acalculous gallbladder disease (also known as biliary dyskinesia) occurs due to muscle defects in gallbladder. The most common of the diseases gallbladder has are the gallbladder stones. Gallstones are small and hard deposits of usually cholesterol. The process of formation of the gallstones is called Cholelithiasis. The process usually is slow and painless and shows almost no other symptoms. These stones range from a few millimetres to several centimetres in diameter.


The symptoms of the various disease gallbladder has are quite similar to each other but differ in severity. About 90% of the gallstones show no symptoms. A typical attack might include severe pain in upper right abdomen, nausea and vomiting, fever and chills and even chronic diarrhoea. Although not usually life threatening, the severe cases can turn cancerous. The only cure to this is removal of the gallbladder altogether. This surgical procedure is called cholecystectomy.

The prevention of all the diseases gallbladder is associated with can be prevented by dietary factors. High intake of fats (particularly saturated) is linked with gallstones. However studies have shown that intake of monosaturated and omega-3 fatty acids can lower the risk of gallstone formation. The higher intake of nuts and fibre also lowers the gallstone formation in the body, and so does consuming more fruits and vegetables. The higher intake of sugar though has been linked with gallstones formation though.

Tips and comments

Another good way of preventing gallstones is drinking coffee every day. The caffeine helps in lowering the cholesterol concentration in the bile by stimulating gallbladder contractions. However, the benefits are limited to the consumption of coffee and drinking aerated beverages containing caffeine has shown to have no particular advantages. A few studies have also revealed that low and medium amount of alcohol consumption to be beneficial in preventing gallstones. Research has shown that small intake of alcohol to reduce the risk of gallstones by 20%. However pregnant women and people with liver disease should not use this as an excuse to drink. The ill effect for both these kind far outweigh any potential benefits that might be associated with drinking alcohol.


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