Diseases Diseases

How To Tell If You Have Lung Desise

Published at 02/21/2012 06:52:05


There are several desises under the "lung disease" branch, including conditions like asthma, lung cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and many others. While the symptoms of each of these desise vary, there are many shared signs and symptoms of lung disease. A doctor may first try to eliminate other possible explanations for lung problems, such as sleep apnea, and may administer tests to figure out your the strength of your lung function. In some cases, such as asthma, patients may be instructed to avoid strenuous exercise and humid weather and may use an inhaler to treat the condition. In other cases of lung desise, doctors may perform surgery, administer medications or even perform a lung transplant. If lung desise is suspected, patients should meet with a doctor to undergo testing and discuss possible treatment options. A second opinion is very important when facing lung disease. Tests may sometimes report false positives, indicating that a patient has lung desise when the patient is actually healthy.

Step 1

Consider any possible signs and symptoms of lung trouble. Shortness of breath, a productive cough that consists of blood or mucus, an inability to move around much without trouble bleeding, dizziness, and discomfort related to breathing may be indications of lung troubles. A family history of any lung-related problems in addition to your own signs and symptoms may increase the likelihood that you actually have lung desise.

Step 2

Share any symptoms of lung desise with a doctor. A doctor may refer you to a lung specialist. Ask questions about treatments or surgeries a physician suggests may help your condition. Patients may undergo a series of tests, such as X-rays or blood gas tests to eliminate the possibility of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. If lung cancer is suspected, doctors may remove small pieces of tissue from the interior of the lungs for testing, take scans and X-rays of the chest and lungs, or study a patient's sputum for signs of cancer cells. Many of these tests can also help a doctor diagnose asthma. You may need to undergo each of these tests multiple times to confirm a diagnosis. If you are confused about any course of treatment, ask your physician to clarify why the test is necessary and how it works.

Step 3

You may need to undergo screening tests multiple times to confirm a diagnosis of lung desise. If you are confused about any course of treatment, ask your physician to clarify why the test is necessary and how it works.


Step 4

Ask your doctor about follow-up treatments, or if any follow-up will be necessary. Depending on the type of lung desise, you may have to stop smoking, start exercising, eat a healthier diet and avoid exposure to radon or asbestos, chemicals which are known to cause lung desise.

Step 5

Patients may have to take antibiotics or take medications to keep a lung problem from growing worse. In the case of lung cancer, patients may undergo several rounds of chemotherapy or radiation therapy, which are intended to kill the cancer cells. You may have to undergo screening for the rest of your life to ensure that cancer or lung disease stays in remission.

Sources and Citations

Womenshealth.gov http://www.womenshealth.gov/publications/our-publications/fact-sheet/lung-disease.cfm#d

CDC - Lung Cancer http://www.cdc.gov/cancer/lung/

Mayo Clinic - Interstitial Lung Disease http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/interstitial-lung-disease/DS00592

Mesothelioma Aid - Occupational Lung Diseases http://www.mesothelioma-aid.org/occlungdiseases.htm

World Health Organizatoin - Living with chronic lung diseases http://www.who.int/features/2007/copd/en/index.html


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