Know About The Symptoms Of  Degenerative Eye Diseases
Diseases Diseases

Know About The Symptoms Of Degenerative Eye Diseases

Published at 04/04/2012 17:03:27


  Know About The Symptoms Of  Degenerative Eye Diseases

It is very normal to have eye problems as you grow old some of these problems may be collected by wearing glasses but some may not this is because these degenerative eye diseases are caused by the deteriorating eye health due to old age. If you are having eye or vision problem it is important to see your eye doctor and speak to him about your symptoms and possible causes. If you visit your doctor early enough to is very possible to alleviate the problem.


Degenerative eye diseases affects millions of people around the world and this number increases every year .the degenerative eye diseases is also known as age related macular degeneration and it mostly affects the macula which is the area of the retina that is responsible for the central vision. When one looses sight due to degenerated eye disease it is not possible to regain sight but if discovered early enough its progression can be slowed down by laser surgery .the degenerated eye disease does not cause total blindness but can cause a blind spot of blurring in the central vision which will definitely cause a decrease in the quality of life. By this I mean activities such as driving, reading, performance of detailed work and also facial appearance will not be as good as before. Degenerative eye diseases mostly affect people who are above 50 years of age.


There is a risk factor about degenerative eye diseases it is hereditary therefore it is not only caused by old age and it mostly affects older white women the most. Some of the other risk factors include smoking of cigarettes which increases by the chances by 50 per cent obesity is also a risk factor and having light colored eyes is also a risk factor for degenerated eye disease. Another risk factor for degenerated eye disease is low nutrition including zinc and vitamins.

The exact cause of the degenerative eye disease is not known but can’t be said to be caused by the aging of a filter washing away impurities causing the waste to build up in the eyes. Then this waste that has build up causes the deteriorating eye vision. The degenerated eye disease has stages which are early stage where the disease is present but vision is not lost then intermediate stage where the waste is accumulated causing blurred vision and advanced stage waste build up is very heavy and causes definite blurring in central vision. Degenerated eye disease affects one eye and then spreads to the other.

Signs of degenerative eye disease are gradual and painless, although vision changes may be noticed, such as the need for more light, difficulty adapting to low-light areas, blurring of printed words, a dulling of colors and intensity, difficulty recognizing faces, gradual haziness of overall vision and a blurred or blind spot in the center of your field of vision. It is possible that some people who suffer from degenerative eye disease to develop visual hallucinations as the disease progresses.

Tips and comments

you can prevent degenerative eye diseases by eating well balanced diets,keeping fit,avoid drinking andd smoking and have regular check ups at your eye doctor.


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