Symptoms Of Crohns Diseases
Diseases Diseases

Symptoms Of Crohns Diseases

Published at 02/22/2012 19:35:02


Symptoms Of Crohns Diseases

The symptoms of Crohns diseases can have a major impact on a sufferer's daily life. The disease results from an inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract. The symptoms can occur suddenly or gradually over a period of time. There is no cure for the disease. Sufferers of the disease can go periods of times when no symptoms are experienced. When this occurs, it is known as remission. While in remission, sufferers can make lifestyle changes to help reduce the chances of the disease recurring soon. Lifestyle changes include reducing stress, exercising and eating properly.

Common Symptoms

The most common symptoms of Crohns diseases include diarrhea, abdominal pain and blood in the stools. The symptoms often result from the inflammation of the digestive tract that results from the disease. Some sufferers of Crohns diseases may also experience ulcers and a reduced appetite. The loss of appetite often results in weight loss. The symptoms of Crohns diseases usually occur when the disease is most active. None of the symptoms are considered to be life-threatening, but are painful and exhausting. The symptoms of Crohns diseases can range from mild to severe depending on the stage of the disease and the overall health of the sufferer. Some sufferers may experience the symptoms without any warning. By paying attention to the events leading up to the recurrence of the disease, a sufferer can potentially reduce the risk of the disease recurring quickly. Eliminating or reducing exposure to certain events can help delay the recurrence of the disease.

Other Symptoms

Some people with more severe forms of the disease may experience other symptoms that can have an adverse affect on other parts of the body. Other symptoms of Crohns diseases include fever, fatigue and mouth sores. In some instances, the disease can also cause skin disorders and delay growth in children. Some children with the disease may also experience delayed sexual development. Due to the nature of the disease, symptoms of Crohns disease can also include arthritis. The arthritis is a result of inflammation that has spread beyond the digestive tract. The arthritis can affect any part of the body including the arms, legs and hands. A physician will prescribe medications and other therapies to help reduce the impact of the other symptoms of Crohns diseases.

Tips and comments

If a person is exhibiting any symptoms of Crohns diseases, he should seek medical attention immediately. Even though there is no cure for the disease, treatment can help alleviate some of the pain that occurs as a result of the inflammation caused by the disease. Treatment for the symptoms of Crohns diseases include anti-inflammatory drugs such as sulfasalazine and antibiotics. Depending on the severity of the symptoms of Crohns diseases, a physician may recommend the use of anti-diarrheals, pain relievers and laxatives. As a last resort, surgery may be recommended for a temporary solution. The surgery involves removing the damaged pars of the digestive tract and connecting the healthy sections together. A physician will help to determine which treatment options are best to reduce the symptoms of Crohns diseases.


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