Common Types Of Polio Treatment
Diseases Diseases

Common Types Of Polio Treatment

Published at 04/02/2012 17:56:12


Common Types Of Polio Treatment

Polio is a contagious disease that can lead to paralysis for some sufferers. There is no cure for polio. Polio treatment is aimed moreso at managing the disease than curing it. If polio treatment is not administered, the disease can lead to death in some cases. In the United States, the probability of a person contracting polio is very slim. Children and people who are most susceptible to the disease within countries such as India, Nigeria and Pakistan are more likely to get the disease. When diagnosed with the disease, polio treatment is immediately began to help curb the effects of the disease on the body. Symptoms such as sore throat, headache and vomiting often come and go within a matter of days after appearing. More serious symptoms such as meningitis and muscle spasms are usually top priority when undergoing polio treatment.

Common Treatment

Since there is no cure for polio, treatment centers around minimizing complications and reducing the effect of the symptoms on the body. Polio treatment includes bed rest, moderate exercise and diet modification. For people experiencing pain, polio treatment can also include the use of analgesics. Sometimes, antibiotics are used as part of polio treatment for people who suffer from secondary infections. The use of a portable ventilator may be recommended to help with breathing problems that can occur as a result of the disease. A medical professional will assess a patient's condition and the progression of the disease and make a determination of what the best course of polio treatment is needed.

Possible Complications

People suffering from polio can experience a range of complications from the disease. Polio can lead to temporary or permanent paralysis, deformity and disability. The deformity is most commonly seen in the hips, feet and ankles. Depending on the severity of the deformity, surgery may be recommended to correct it. Surgery for the disease can be costly. Children who live in underdeveloped countries may not be able to get the surgery needed to fix the deformity and may spend the rest of their lives living with the disability. Paralysis can sometimes be aided with consistent physical therapy. A medical professional will confer with a physical therapist and other professionals to develop a course of polio treatment that can possibly help with the paralysis.

Risk Factors/Prevention

Children, pregnant women and people with weakened immune system are more suspectible to contracting polio than any other groups of people. People who also live with someone who is infected with polio also have an increased risk of contracting the disease. Traveling to an area that recently had an outbreak of polio also increases the chances of you getting polio. The most effective method to prevent polio is the vaccine. The vaccine is administered in the United States to children four times during the first six years of their lives. The vaccine has proven to be effective in 99 percent of all cases. Although some children may experience side effects from the vaccine, they are usually limited to minor problems such as redness at the injection site and pain.


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