Diseases Diseases

How Diseases Infection Are Treated

Published at 02/25/2012 09:27:09


Infection is defined as colonization of a host organism by a parasite organism. The parasite organism steadily uses resources found in body of the host to develop, reproduce, increase and spread to more hosts. This causes diseases infection in the host. Parasites like virus, bacteria, viroids, fungi and algae can cause infections.

The affected hosts often show an immune system response to fight off the parasite. In human and most mammals, the body responds with inflammation, increased white blood cell count, antibody production, etc., to fight the infection. Sometimes when the symptoms worsen and body is not able to counteract the parasites on its own, diseases infection need to be treated. Herbs and plants have been used for treating infections since ancient times. All ancient civilizations had their own ingenious methods of medicine. Ayurveda, Chinese medicine and Unani medicine are some of them. In modern allopathic medicine, a different approach is taken for treating infections. Antibiotics and synthetic drugs are used instead of plant extracts.


Diagnosis and Treatment

A proper diagnosis is important to find the cause of the diseases infection. Before attempting to treat diseases infection, it is very important to find out whether it's a viral or bacterial infection. Viral infections cannot be cured by antibiotics. But, it’s common to see many doctors prescribing antibiotics for viral fever etc., but this is completely baseless and can cause harm to a person. Also, many people who use antibiotics to get treated for their bacterial infections are unaware of their side effects. The friendly microbes in our gut and body get killed by antibiotics affecting our digestive health in the long run. In recent studies, it has been proven that treating infections with more natural medicines are possible, and they are devoid of side effects.

People with diseases infection like tuberculosis have to undergo treatment for long time as the infectious parasite can lay dormant and recur if left unchecked. Infants and aged people are the most prone to infections as their immunity is very weak. Immune disorders and diseases like HIV/AIDS increase the chances of infection. Viral infections are more difficult to treat than bacterial infections.



All these infections are highly preventable. Maintaining proper hygiene and cleanliness will help a lot. To safeguard ourselves from dangerous viral infections, vaccinations are the best option. Many dreadful diseases infections like polio, chicken pox, influenza and small pox have vaccines available. A health care provider can easily access and prescribe for any needed vaccines. In some countries like India, vaccinations to polio are compulsory and the vaccine is distributed free of cost to the public. Vaccines are not a cure, but they can give periodic or permanent resistance to a particular pathogen by initiating an immune response.

Tips and comments

Cuts can get easily infected as they are vulnerable to pathogenic entry. It’s best to cleanse wounds with antiseptic and antibacterial solution before applying a bandage to it. Also, to stop the spread of harmful diseases infection, people diagnosed with infection must be quarantined. Educating the people on prevention and symptoms of infections will help governments to better tackle infectious epidemics easily.


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