Diseases Diseases

Signs Of Birch Tree Diseases

Published at 04/04/2012 16:18:44


Birch tree diseases are diseases which affect the barks, leaves roots and the flowers of the birch trees. Since the birch trees are domesticated, its infection by the birch tree disease gives the owners an headache. In many cases the birch tree diseases make the birch tree to loss its beautiful appearance completely. The signs of the birch tree disease show itself in either the early stage or it can take sometimes before showing up.


The signs of birch tree diseases involve the tree growing weak even though the birch tree is getting enough mineral salts and water. Also the sign of birch tree diseases is winding galleries in the bark of the birch tree and the sign of the disease of the birch tree connected to the winding the galleries is the thinning of the bud of the birch tree.

The sign of birch tree diseases is the leaves of the birch tree developing brown spots which disappears and then reappears after some time. Mostly this sign of birch tree diseases is mostly witness in the young leaves of the birch trees. It mostly shows up when the season of the year is warm and very difficult to see in cold seasons.

Another sign of birch tree diseases is the falling of the leaves from the birch tree. Mostly this sign is shows up in mature birch tree, and only shows up in the late stage of the disease infection. Although in many cases the birch tree’s owners may think that it is common for birch trees to fall their leaves off, but this falling of the leaves can be irregular and this is a sign of the birch tree diseases. This falling of the leaves is mainly accompanied by pest infestation which will be withnessed within a short time.


Another sign of birch tree diseases involves yellowing of the leaf. Mainly, this sign starts from the margin of the leaf and after some times it spread to the whole leaf. In many cases, the yellowing of the birch tree leaf is associated with lack of calcium in the plant. This sign of birch tree diseases is very dangerous since it can kill the plant within a short time. This is because, the sign shows itself at a very late stage when the disease as affected the inner part of the plant.The sign of birch tree diseases is withering of the leaves which normally start from the bud and within the short time; it spreads to the all leaves. This sign of birch tree diseases is another serious sign because it takes just a few hours before the plant dry up completely. The tree owners must ensure that the birch tree seen with this sign is uprooted and destroyed to prevent the spread of the birch tree diseases from spreading to the other plant which have not shown the sign of birch tree diseases

Tips and comments

Since most of the signs of birch tree diseases show up during the late stage of diseases, it is advisable for the owners to keep inspecting their birch trees always


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